A few powerful developer weapons have this appearance as well, despite having a blueprint that is considerably more rare. Common (Grey) - Base level of quality, can be found commonly in the map.Rarer firearms will also have better accuracy and a smaller crosshair radius when standing, moving and shooting at hip. Rarer firearms will have custom painted skins, look cleaner and more polished than their more common counterparts instead. Rarer firearms will never have increased stats, regardless of their rank. Rarer melee weapons will always have better stats by having improved handling, durability and number of repair and upgrades. In-game, Rarity categorizes weapons according to their quality and stats. Unlike some stats, Rate of Fire isn't necessarily superior - faster weapons are generally good but you don't want to waste ammo either, as they are already in short supply. This even applies to semi-automatic weapons, which have a limit to their firing speed to avoid spamming attacks. Rate of Fire - The amount of rounds fired in a given time to show how often they can be used.Greater Accuracy results in likelihood of scoring headshots and hits instead of misses. Accuracy - Indicates the chances of hitting the target when not aiming.This is applied as an equivalent to Damage. Firepower - The amount of damage dealt from an attack to any enemies, and varies from parts of the body attacked and the distance.Outside of rewards, Upgrades can be also found in locked chests and even police vans.Īll firearms have the following parameters:
When placing an Upgrade in a upgrade slot, you get to preview each upgrade before having it applied to your weapon.

It's recommended to be careful when repairing at the right time, and is advised to repair your weapons when the Durability is at a lower level and flashing red on the lower-right icon. Repair Slots - Each weapon can only be repaired a set number of times before becoming worthless.Refurbishing, which restores Durability and Repair Slots to its maximum amount, can be used on your weapons after escorting survivors in random encounters. Some skills improve the Durability, as well as Repairs and Upgrades. Higher durability regardless on any weapon is a great thing to have. Durability - Each time you hit something can have a chance of your weapon to degrade, making your weapons break and becoming worthless.The swing speed of your melee weapon is entirely up to your weapon of choice, for instance, a knife's swing is always going to be much faster than that of a sledgehammer's even if the sledgehammer has been modded to a point where it has higher handling. In other words, the higher the handling the lower the stamina cost every time you swing your weapon. Handling - Though commonly mistaken for the fact that it increases the speed of melee attack swing (according to the official description of this parameter in the game albeit not true) when in reality influences the stamina consumption with each swing of your weapon.More damage is always better, but there are differences between weapons doing high damage somewhat great, while certain medium damage weapons might be superior. Damage - The amount of destruction does each time per hit against an opponent.All melee weapons featured have the following parameters: